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Storytelling Videos

On my last day of internship, we interviewed three refugees living in Sofia, Bulgaria, to share their success stories.

Storytelling #1 – Empowering women through her story

One of the refugees we interviewed is a young woman from Afghanistan who is also a volunteer at our NGO. She shared about her experience from a refugee to a business owner and how she is committed to empower young refugee women through her story. As the owner of a clothing store, she also designs the cloths by incorporating different cultures and styles.

Storytelling #2 - From bartender to university student

The first interviewee was a refugee from Syria who came to Sofia as a teenager and worked as a bartender for most of his teenage years. He thought that being a bartender was his dream and a career path to follow. This dream was true until he met an owner of a local restaurant who started to mentor him. Through this mentorship, he decided to pursue a higher education and is now a student at the University of Sofia.

Storytelling #3 – From temporary employee to manager

The last interviewee is also a refugee from Afghanistan. He came to Bulgaria in hopes to find brighter future. He shared with us about his experience of learning the Bulgarian language as an adult and the important it played in his integration which later led him to a management position within his company.

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